La montée du niveau de la mer menace de submerger l’une des plus grandes villes [...]
20 Minutes
« Plus jamais nous ne devons chercher à masquer des affaires pour protéger l’institution », a lancé [...]
Courrier International
L’Andalouse de 42 ans fascine la presse espagnole avec un son qu’elle a pour ainsi dire [...]
Keir Starmer organise, ce samedi 15 mars à Londres, un sommet virtuel avec quelque 25 [...]
Huffington Post
Aucun blessé n’est à déplorer, précise la préfecture de police des Alpes-Maritimes. Source [...]
People-smuggling from Vietnam to Europe has emerged as a big problem in recent years. Authorities [...]
France’s Court of Cassation has rejected an appeal by former President Nicolas Sarkozy, ordering him [...]
Dennis Schröder has joined NBA star Stephen Curry and the Golden State Warriors. Another change [...]
Germany’s far-right AfD has written in its draft election manifesto that it wants to leave [...]
Inflation across the Eurozone continued to rise in November, but less than expected. Germany, however, [...]
The bill, which drew international condemnation, criminalizes sex acts within the gay community. Neither the [...]
Syria’s population, comprising various ethnic and religious groups, makes it one of the most diverse [...]
Youssoufa Moukoko was one of the most hyped teenagers ever to emerge in German football. [...]
Influencer Andrew Tate and his brother were described as “serial” tax evaders by police. Source [...]
Several concertgoers fell sick at the end of a performance at the historic Semperoper, as [...]
The pan-continental body of 55 member states will elect a successor to Moussa Faki Mahamat, [...]
China remains the largest global coal consumer, responsible for over a third of the world’s [...]
After Ukraine’s secret service claimed responsibility for the lethal attack in Moscow, Russian authorities have [...]
After criticism from Ireland, Israel has closed its embassy in Dublin for the time being. [...]
Mary Jane Veloso has repeatedly protested her innocence. Now, she is hopeful for a pardon [...]
Durch die Wahl des neuen Präsidenten hat die georgische Regierungspartei ihre Macht gefestigt. Amtsinhaberin Surabischwili [...]
Syria’s only Olympic gold medalist, Ghada Shouaa, was promised plenty by the Assad regime. But [...]
The suspect, Luigi M., was indicted in New York on first-degree murder charges for the [...]
Pleas for forgiveness from the man who admitted to allowing dozens of men to rape [...]