Mardi après-midi, la police a procédé à un contrôle routier à Lorentzweiler de 16h30 à [...]
France Info
L’Ecosse, hôte des Mondiaux en 2023 à Glasgow, accueillera une nouvelle fois un grand évènement [...]
L’Observatoire européen de la fiscalité dirigé par l’économiste français Gabriel Zucman propose de taxer à [...]
Le Figaro
REPORTAGE – Freetown, capitale de ce pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, est confrontée à une inexorable [...]
Nouvel Obs
En Belgique, les Français représentent 9 cas sur 10 des non-résidents ayant eu recours à l’euthanasie. Des [...]
Flowers are meant to smell nice. This one doesn’t. And thousands want to see — [...]
For the first time since the fall of Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria, the EU [...]
Germany helped save dozens of Ukrainian artworks from destruction. They can now be seen at [...]
The investment decision by some of the world’s most prominent tech firms coincides with Trump’s [...]
UNICEF has said middle and low-income countries were the hardest hit. The agency criticized the [...]
A Paris court found Pakistani national Zaheer Mahmood guilty of attempted murder and terrorism in [...]
A Paris court found Zaheer Mahmood guilty of attempted murder and terrorism in an Islamist-motivated [...]
Earlier this month, the Polish government pledged not to arrest Benjamin Netanyahu if he attended [...]
UNICEF says middle and low-income countries were the hardest hit. The agency criticized the “overlooked” [...]
Fire retardants are used to slow or stop wildfires. Similarly, flame retardants are used in [...]
A fire has broken out north of Los Angeles, with some 50,000 people under evacuation [...]
The 2025 Academy Award nominations are out, and one top contender has earned criticism alongside [...]
Amanda Knox implicated barman Patrick Lumumba in the 2007 murder of her flatmate Meredith Kercher [...]
The M23 rebels have been trying to make inroads in mineral-rich eastern DR Congo, along [...]
The US president addressed political leaders and business elites gathered at the World Economic Forum [...]
Prosecutors in Brussels said the suspect was accused of being “a member of a far-right [...]
Palestinians in the West Bank city of Jenin have said they received orders to leave [...]
Prominent activist Sihem Bensedrine has intensified her effort to gain release after six months in [...]
Berlin blames Bavaria. Bavaria blames Berlin. With migrants suspected in several deadly attacks, German politicians [...]