FOX News
NO DEAL – A woman traveling overseas says she booked a hotel room through, [...]
Der Spiegel
Ein Richter erklärt die drastischen Kürzungen bei der Entwicklungsbehörde USAID für »wahrscheinlich« verfassungswidrig. Die Computerzugänge [...]
Die Welt
Ein kleiner Junge spielt auf dem Anwesen seiner Familie – und ist plötzlich verschwunden. Möglicherweise [...]
Die Zeit
Die IOM der Vereinten Nationen baut nach einer “beispiellosen” Kürzung von US-Geldern Tausende Stellen ab. [...]
Frankfurter Allgemeine
Nur Deutschland hat in der EU genug haushaltspolitischen Spielraum für erheblich höhere Rüstungsausgaben. Doch das [...]
On January 15, 1990, East Germany’s secret police headquarters was stormed, after civil disobedience actions [...]
Former Liverpool and Borussia Dortmund coach Jürgen Klopp is now head of global soccer for [...]
During his presidential campaign, Trump campaigned on reinstituting tariffs, slowing immigration from Mexico and opting [...]
As wildfires continue to ravage California, social media is flooded with misinformation about their origins [...]
India has drastically cut back visas for Bangladeshi nationals seeking to travel, which has affected [...]
Qatar says truce talks between Israel and Hamas are at their “closest point” to a [...]
In spite of a bilateral agreement banning development, China has placed a large structure in [...]
Baltic Sea NATO members are meeting in Helsinki after a series of outages of power [...]
The Pacific Palisades fire has burned down the inventory of the exclusive publisher of the [...]
German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius is in Kyiv on an unannouned visit, quite probably his [...]
Nuclear power advocates call it “clean energy,” and are pushing for the controversial power source [...]
In ihrem Abwehrkampf erhält die Ukraine von Deutschland ein neues Waffensystem. Die EU kündigt weitere [...]
Die verheerenden Waldbrände im Großraum Los Angeles könnten eine der teuersten Naturkatastrophen in der US-Geschichte [...]
Er warf seine Karriere hin, um in Afrika ein Krankenhaus zu bauen. Als “guter Deutscher” [...]
South Korea’s military said it had detected multiple test missiles launched by Pyongyang towards the [...]
At least 17 miners are believed to be trapped at a mine in a region [...]
The specter of flames devouring built environments has become more familiar over recent years and [...]
The West African nation has detected two cases in less than four days, spurring health [...]
Incumbent President Zoran Milanovic has overwhelmingly won reelection for another five-year term. The first round [...]