Die Welt
In der Mannheimer Innenstadt ist ein Auto in eine Menschenmenge gerast. Der mutmaßliche Autofahrer wurde [...]
Die Zeit
In Mannheim fuhr ein Auto in eine Menschenmenge, nach Polizeiangaben gibt es einen Toten und [...]
Frankfurter Allgemeine
Ende Dezember stürzte der französische Skirennläufer Cyprien Sarrazin beim Training in Bormio schwer. Er erlitt [...]
Die “Kingda Ka” war 139 Meter hoch und beschleunigte von 0 auf 206 km/h in [...]
Daily Mail
When Justin Bieber married model Hailey Baldwin in 2018, his friends thought she would save [...]
Cynthia Moore ostensibly home-schooled her children but didn’t teach them, a judge said. Dog and [...]
Nationals shortstop CJ Abrams says he’s stronger, faster and wiser after a difficult end to [...]
The artist August Coleman named “Battleship Kate,” a major work of folk art, for a [...]
The best approach depends on whether the stains are organic material or mineral deposits. Source [...]
Legal experts said that unwinding a civil rights-era bulwark designed to safeguard employees’ rights removes [...]
Some governments want to challenge President Trump, some want to emulate him. But most just [...]
Addressing reader concerns about measles outbreaks in Texas and New Mexico. Source [...]
City authorities, led by Attorney General Brian Schwalb, took action against establishments they say were [...]
He twice won Oscars for bringing humanizing depth to corrupt lawmen, from the raging cop [...]
Every week, we ask readers to think like an advice columnist and submit their advice [...]
While career prosecutors in two U.S. attorney offices and a U.S. judge balked at a [...]
The Iowa Senate and House debated for several hours before passing the legislation overwhelmingly along [...]
Michael Ramirez cartoon on U.N. resolution condemning Russia for Ukraine invasion. Source [...]
Cold weather returns Sunday and Monday. Source [...]
Read more Source [...]
The official drink of Rhode Island is like a sophisticated cousin of chocolate milk. Source [...]
As a Georgetown University philosophy professor, Dr. Beauchamp in the 1970s worked to shape the [...]
The vaccine meeting canceled by the FDA is the second federal vaccine panel meeting Trump [...]
The Freedom Party has sought to join the rising tide of hard-right movements across Europe [...]
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