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SEAN HANNITY: Trump’s incoming Cabinet is about to clean house

Fox News host Sean Hannity reacts to President-Elect Donald Trump’s new Cabinet on “Hannity.” 

SEAN HANNITY: Tonight we can all feel very good about Donald Trump’s incoming cabinet. They are about to clean house in the Washington swamp. There is little that anyone on the radical extreme left can do about it, and of course, that won’t stop them from screaming, yelling and crying and trying, but their manufactured hysteria didn’t work during the election. It’s not going to work now.  


It’s sort of like it all comes together. It’s just one big nine-year period of, you know, breathless “Trump, Trump, Trump” and the American people rejected that overwhelmingly in the election. Our woke cancel culture is now about to die. Americans are over it. They no longer listen to the media. They don’t care what Hollywood celebrities have to say, which is great news. Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney could go back and focus on counting their money.  

Americans want the American dream restored for everybody else with freedom and justice, prosperity, equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws for everybody, along with a border that is secure, streets that are safe, lower grocery prices and lower gas prices. 
